Date : 08.03.2018 10:09:18
From : "Samantha Brooks"
To : "1millioner"
Subject : 📈 Make the most out of your Instagram Profile 1millioner
 📈 Make the most out of your Instagram Profile 1millioner Greetings 1millioner,

I have some important information about your Instagram Account which I would like to share with you.
I just saw your Instagram profile and you have great images. Unfortunately you don't seem to get much attention from other users.

While you have 11420 followers, only 0.94% like your pictures on average.
By looking at your account I get a feeling that you're having some problems with your account and you're holding back some huge potential.
There is a method to fix this easily.

Instagram essentially ranks pictures based on user interaction after you've uploaded them.
Low engagement on your content means a low ranking position and nobody will see your upload.

If the internal score of your picture is good enough, your upload will go to the "Top Post" part of Instagram.

We have a few tools that will help you on this:

1. We have invented our Premium Automatic Likes Service.
This service automatically sends likes to your pictures just a few minutes after you've posted them.
Like that you have a high chance to be featured in the "Top Post" section.
When other people then visit your profile, your images will already have likes so they are more likely to follow you as a result.
Your Instagram profile gets many more visitors and you can attract more traffic to your website.

At our site you can check the different packages we offer.

To see how it works we even have a free trial on the page. Simply enter your username and you will receive 10-25 likes to every picture you upload within the next 10 minutes.
We have many customers that already benefit from this and we've seen hugely increased interaction with real people solely by using Auto Likes.

2. You could benefit from our free service to improve your hashtags.
With the tool you can enter multiple hashtags specific to your niche and it will present you with up to 30 matching hashtags similar to the ones you entered.
Alternatively you can use the influencer research mode which looks the most used top post hashtags for the tags you entered.
This can really help you to get noticed by more people that are interested in your uploads.

3. We offer a free auto liker service at
By using this service we sign into your account and perform automatic like/following tasks defined by you.
When you like a picture or follow a user, they will receive a notification and often check the profile of the person which performed the action.

This will give you fresh, targeted followers to your account on auto pilot. This has nothing to do with spam but purely marketing tactics.
For this service we need your account password but be assured we're only using your account to perform the actions you define.
Users can get around 100 followers daily depending on the niche.

The most effective method however still is our Auto Likes service at

Please do not hesitate to message me should you have additional questions.

Kind Regards

Samantha Brooks Business Executive